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Fitness — diabetes

P90X Week 1 Complete!

diabetes p90x type 1

Hey Warriors! I finished my first week with P90X! I have to say it worked me hard! I have been working out and lifting steady for several months, but after a week of P90X my muscles are screaming at me!   My blood sugar readings have been great throughout the entire week.  I average 105 for the past seven days, which is down from 125 the week before! It's a good trend and I hope to keep that up.  Fortunately, I did experience any lows after the workouts which was a concern.  Always remember to monitor your BGs before, during,...

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P90X and Type 1 Diabetes

diabetes p90x type 1

Hey Warriors! Well, I decided to shake up my workouts a little bit and I started P90X this week!  I just finished the Plyometrics tonight and I am feeling good!  I am a little concerned with getting in 6 workouts a week, but I am determined to make it through the program. So far my blood sugars have been good after the workouts so I'll be keeping a close eye on that. I'll keep updating as I make my way through this awesome program! Zach

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