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Dominating Diabetes: Beginning my CrossFit journey

crossfit t1d type 1


I recently decided to kick my fitness up a few notches and decided to join a local CrossFit gym, or Box!  I am extremely excited to be part of a great group of people.  The box and its people are very encouraging and supportive.  I will be posting details of the workouts as well as my blood sugar reading before and after the workouts.

I wear a Waist Band during each of my workouts.  The band keeps my pump secure and out of the way now matter what Workout of Day (WOD) calls for! Whether its running, Olympic lifting, or even flipping tires, the band will keep up!

Here are some details about the workouts I have done so far.  I will do a better job of keeping more detailed notes in the future!

As always feel free to reach out via e-mail, Facebook, or Twitter!

Friday, June 3, 2016



Snatch (Light) (65lbs)

4 sets X 5 reps: Deadlift

4 sets X 5 reps: Snatch Pull

4 sets X 5 reps: Snatch Balance



12 Minute Partner AMRAP

30 Kettlebell Deadlift

30 Kettlebell Swings

30 ABMAT Situps

53 lbs



Thursday, June 2, 2016



Rope Climbs 4x



Front Squat

Warm-up: 45 lbs

Warm-ups: 75 lbs

8 reps: 125 lbs

8 reps: 155 lbs

8 reps: 175 lbs



The 15s

15 Minute EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute)

15 Cal Row

15 Burpees

15 Wall Balls

Result: This workout was rough!!!


Wednesday, June 1, 2016




Clean (95 lbs)

Box Jump (24”)

Result: 9:06


Monday, May 31, 2016


With Partner

1 Mile Run

100 Pullups

200 Pushups

300 Air squats

1 Mile Run

Result: 40:05


Friday, May 27, 2016



Front Squat

Warm-up: 45 lbs

Warm-ups: 75 lbs

10 reps: 115 lbs

10 reps: 135 lbs

10 reps: 155 lbs


Tuesday, May 24, 2016



Clean and Jerk

125 lbs max



5 Rounds for Time

Mad Cindy

400M Run

10 pull-ups

15 pushups

20 air squats

Result: 22:07


Friday, May 20, 2016




95 lbs



25 Back squat (45 lbs barbell)

10 pullup

15 Overhead Shoulder (45 lbs)

25 Back squat (45 lbs barbell)

10 pullup

15 Overhead Shoulder (45 lbs)

25 Back squat (45 lbs barbell)

10 pullup

15 Overhead Shoulder (45 lbs)

Result: 8:00



Thursday, May 19, 2016



Front Squats

Warm-up: 45 lbs

Warm-ups: 75 lbs

5 reps: 115 lbs

5 reps: 145 lbs

5 reps: 175 lbs



3 Rounds for Time

15 Burpee pullups

12 Bent over Rows (alternating arms) (35 lbs dumbbell)

9 Box split lunge (45 lbs barbell)

Result: 12:54



Wednesday, May 18, 2016



Ran 2.5 miles


Tuesday, May 17, 2016



Back Squats

Warm-up: 45 lbs

Warm-ups: 75 lbs

5 reps: 135 lbs

5 reps: 165 lbs

5 reps: 195 lbs




15 minute AMRAP

5 pull-ups

10 pushups

15 air squats

Result: 12 rounds


Monday, May 16, 2016



200M Farmer Carry

2 each arm Turkish Getup

5 Handstand Kick up (I struggled majorly on this!!)



Dead Hang -- 2 minutes



10 Minute Tire Flip (With partner) – 115 Flips



3 Rounds for Time

400M run

40 ABMAT Sit-ups

7 Deadlifts (205 pounds)

Result: 14:27


Friday, May 12, 2016



Overhead Squats

5 sets X 5 reps


WOD (Workout of the Day):

12 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible)

2 Overhead Squats (75 pounds)

2 Chest 2 Bar

2 Burpees

3 Overhead Squats

3 Chest 2 Bar

3 Burpees

4 Overhead Squats

4 Chest 2 Bar

4 Burpees





Result: 10 Rounds plus 15 Reps




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  • Ed on

    Excited to see your results man. I recently joined crossfit as well and found that it is a tough workout to handle insulin correctly. You really need to evaluate each workout and determine an insulin game plan. Typically, I increase my basal rate between 125-150% 30 mins before my workout to mediate the glycogen released from the (excuse my lack of better terms) “high stress” workouts. Don’t get me wrong, I love crossfit and the intensity so far. But i haven’t been able to nail my insulin doses yet. Even with my boluses on a good day they wont be higher than 10mmol/L (180). Let me know if you have better luck.

    Thanks for sharing,


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