Dominating Diabetes: Beginning my CrossFit journey
Hey WARRIORS!! I recently decided to kick my fitness up a few notches and decided to join a local CrossFit gym, or Box! I am extremely excited to be part of a great group of people. The box and its people are very encouraging and supportive. I will be posting details of the workouts as well as my blood sugar reading before and after the workouts. I wear a Waist Band during each of my workouts. The band keeps my pump secure and out of the way now matter what Workout of Day (WOD) calls for! Whether its running, Olympic lifting, or...
Dominating Type 1 Diabetes: P90X3 Total Synergistics Overview
diabetes fitness hiit insulin pump LCHF medtronic p90x p90x3 t1d type 1
Hey Warriors! I am posting a video of one of the first workouts in the P90X3 series, Total Synergisitics! This routine is a total body burner! Every body part is worked in this routine, and you will definitely feel it. There are 16 exercises in this program. The routine lasts a total of 30 minutes, which includes a short warm up in the beginning. Here are the exercises in the routine: Push Up/Side Arm Balance Cresent Chair Pull Knee Pull Flip Flop Crunch Crawly Plyo Push Ups Releve-Plie, Weighted Chin Up Circle Crunch Boat Plow Balance Arch Press 3 Hop...
Dominating Type 1 Diabetes: Intense Workouts, P90X, and T1D
diaband diabetes fitness hiit insulin pump LCHF medtronic p90x p90x3 t1d type 1
Dominating Type 1 Diabetes: Intense Workouts, P90X, and T1D Hey Warriors! A couple weeks ago I let you know that I was beginning to embark on a Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) diet and an increase intensity and focus on my exercise routine. I have been working out regularly for many years and I have performed many types of routines, including weight training, running/biking, and most recently, high intensity at home workouts like P90X and P90X3. Currently, I am on week 9 of the P90X3 program. This is my 3rd round of this program. I absolutely love it! It has...
Dominating Type 1 Diabetes with a Low Carb, High Fat (LCHF) Diet!
diabetes high fat LCHF low carb protein t1d type 1
A new year, a new focus. My journey beginning a Low Carb, High Fat (LCHF) Diet and its effect on Type 1 Diabetes. Hey WARRIORS! Before we begin, I want to warn you…I am not a writer! But I want to share my experiences, good and bad, and I begin implementing the Low Carb/High Fat (LCHF) Diet. I am very excited to see how this diet will affect my management of Type 1 Diabetes. My most recent A1C was 6.8 on December 10, 2015. I really want to get into the low 6s or even the upper 5s…a stretch, I...
Is BMI an Important Measurement?
bmi diabetes fitness t1d type 1
Men's Fitness wrote a great article examining the importance of BMI as a true measurement of health. According to a recent article in Mother Jones.....maybe it isn't! The bottom line is...focus on getting active, not your BMI! Kit Fox of Men's Fitness writes: As far as numbers go, this one carries a lot of weight. Doctors, healthcare providers, and personal trainers emphasize body mass index (BMI) for a myriad of reasons, from personal weight loss aspirations to insurance premiums. Think you’re fit, fat, overweight, or obese? Find out with a simple number, a number it turns out is based on a equation...