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P90X Update: Through Week 5

diabetes p90x type 1

Hey Warriors!

It’s been a few week since I updated my progress through my P90X journey.  Yes, I am still going strong!! I have completed Day 33 and I am feeling great.  The program is really doing wonders!  I am feeling really good and my blood sugar numbers have been very solid as well!  So far I have had no issues with lows during a workout, which has been a relief.

It’s is truly amazing and gratifying to see how much progress you can make from week 1 to week 5.  The progress from one week to the next is crazy as well!

So far, I think my favorite workout is Kenpo X.  This workout mixes cardio and karate type moves and it will make you sweat like crazy!  On the flipside, Yoga X is my least favorite workout.  It’s the longest workout clocking in at over 90 minutes.  I’d never attempted yoga before, but I’m giving this a change.  It’s is amazing how much you can sweat while not moving!  This workout it growing on me, but it’s definitely the one I look forward to the least.  One thing is for sure, you will get really good at pull-ups with P90X!  I used to struggle to get one pull-up and now I am cranking out sets of 10!  What a feeling!!

Through 5 weeks, I am feeling great and am eager to keep going!  I feel like I am over the hump and I am showing no signs of slowing down.  Of course, I have to post some progress pictures.  The pictures below show my progress from Day 1 to Day 30.

I would love to hear from the other Warriors in the DIABAND Nation!  What is your favorite workout?  What do you do to keep your blood sugar in check?




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